Continuing with exception..!!
Now as we learnt about how exception works internally how throw of object occurs in exception well as said earlier that java has provided a readymade class for handling of exception. java provided a readymade class such as ArithmaticException,ArrayIndexOutfBoundsException, ClassCasteException, NumberFormatException,etc. Due to such ready made classes we can write its object in catch block to catch exception if for example the exception of divide by zero occurs then declare the object of ArithmeticException in catch statement such as try { c=a/b; System.out.println("the answer of division is" + c); }//end of try block catch(ArithmaticException e) { System.out.println("exception caught" + e); } //end of catch block This is the simple exemple which i gave............. here if the exception occurs than the object of that exception is generated and thrown and in catch as we kept the object of that exception it will be...