LIfe cycle of applet
Life cycle of applet Here i have provided information about applet what is an applet , what it means, about the working of applet ... Then also lets quick revise about applet ... AN applet is basically a background on which we can keep tools ,controls etc...working for browser application or web page .. Also provided information about how an applet works just import the package java.applet around made any class give the name which you would like to give and extend Applet compile the java file and write applet tag as mentioned in the earlier post and RUN in either browser or an appletviewer provided by JDK. This was the quick revision i gave to make an applet that is just a white back ground that would appear on your screen . NOW about t he life cycle of an applet while just as we have seen the life cycle of thread lets take a quick look on the life cycle of an applet . First of all the life cycle is divided into 5 phase mainly these all are the methods...