
Showing posts from February, 2016


                                  Javascript in terms of HTML Todays post is concerned about how javascript is embeded in html page in order to make our page look dynamic and for additional we may beautify our page by applying various css properties. Javascript and Java, People often confuse about this two languages javascript is object based where as java is object oriented but both share same properties almost just as cpp and java both have more or less same concept if one knows cpp one would get command on java same is the case with javascript.                                                               JAVASCRIPT It is Object based  It may be client side scripting language or server side scripting lamguage. H...

Methods arguements in C#

Now as far as basics we are doing in C ,CPP ,JAVA we are passing arguments by value or by refrence or in arguments some times we pass the object as arguements included in cpp and Java. But slightly the change is done in by this change we can overcome some problems that we will see at the end of the post. Considering the methods arguements in C# it is divided into three parts By value  By refrence  By out parameter  Above this we also have Params for accepting multiple arguements given by the user dynamically that we will see in the later post . 1) By value  Here we know the clear meaning of passing by value , Those who have performed the progrmming of swapping of two numbers might have faced this situation that by swapping the two numbers at the last returning the values and seeing the output the values arent changed the reason is pass by value while calling the function the values are passed whatever changes that are done in the function th...


                               We have see what are properties in C# ,now moving on to the indexers in C#. The work of indexers is same as properties lets revise what properties does , Properties are used to  initialize or to read that is read write operations on private data of class. As we have seen that the  data members of class are private by default in C# so they aren't allowed to be accessed outside the  class.Hence we used property for accesing the data members of class in properties we had get and  set accessor methods get to read and set to initialize , to overwrite, values of the data member of class. Now moving on to the indexers the work of indexers is the same as properties but they are used for  accessing the array type variables which are the part of class ,indexers also have the get and set  accessor in it the work of get and set accessor is same as ...

Properties in C#

                                Properties in C# In C# a concept is known as properties know what are the propertites? As we viewed in the previous post the Data members are private in c# so they are not accessible outside the class So this concept came into picture about accesing the data members that is reading and writing purpose one can say to get and set the variable's values by the properties which are private. Now moving on to the basics of properties in C#  first we look at the examples  Class abc  {    int qty; public abc() {  a=0;  } public int Qty//property declared {     get//get accessor declared {     return qty; } set//set accessor declared {    qty=value; } } The above example reveals the architecture of property in C# it has the accessmodifier that is public,private, protected etc...

Checked and unchecked operators

             CHECKED AND UNCHECKED OPERATORS Normally we have seen operators and we know what are operators and its types Recalling the types  Assignment operators Relational operators  increment decrement operators  Bitwise operators  Conditional operators  Logical operators   Now introducing the checked and unchecked operators first of all checked and unchecked operators are included in c# what they do...?? Before that we must refresh some old concepts.. we know what is type casting and type conversion,just we have gone through Java we know what is narrow and wide conversion narrow conversion is from highest data type to lowest data type, and wide  conversion is from lowest data type to highest data type. That is we can say that widening conversion is implicit that is automatic conversion and opposite is the narrowing conversion that is we have to do manually the conversion  exampl...

C# fundamentals

                                C# Fundamentals Well comming back to c# todays post is about to clear the concept about the basic of c# that is about the class and data members  OOPS concepts for c#:- All data members are allocated  in heap. The refrence of the object we create are stored in Stack. To declare the object and to instantiate are two different things   By just declaring the object dosent make the utilization of memory that is no class variables are          allocated in heap. Just by declaring the object we are creating the refrence .       i.e if we have class abc than, abc a; dosent make the members occupy memory in heap, But by abc a=new abc(); this gives instantiation to object what this statement actually means..?  This statement means that by writing new keyword we instantiate the object and...