
Showing posts from March, 2016

Starting with servlets(java)

                          Starting with servlets (java) In today's post i would like to share my views about servlets . First of all i would start with introduction with what are servlets ..? As there are two types of web page one is the static one and other is the dynamic one as we know we can create dynamic web pages with the help of php we can create the same dynamic web page with the help of servlets so the java concepts of creating the dynamic web pages are the servlets. Servlets are the ones we need to create a web application, it is server side language so it uses a web server to run/execute. In java we have javax.servlet package in it we have servlet interface so we it is understood from this that if we want to create servlet we need to implement servlet interface for it . So definitely some methods might have been declared in it that we have to define in our own class when we want to make servle...