Means-End Analysis/Algorithm for resolution in predicate logic
MEANS -END ANALYSIS For means-end analysis we can say its a method for AI to get our Aim or rather choose our path from initial to goal State wisely. So imagine about two states say state A as initial state and state F as final state . Now means-end analysis goes the following way; compare the Difference between the initial state and goal state. find the difference between them. for each difference look at which operators can be applied. select that operator which gets you the closest from current state to goal state. Algorithm for resolution in predicate logic Two literals are Contradictory if one can be unified with the negation of the other . for example we take 2 literals say A and B so these two literals are contradictory if A unifies with the negation of B. In predicate logic Unification algorithm is used to locate pairs of literals that cancel out. It is important that if two instance of same variable occur they must be given identical s...