Some Stuff that might be asked in Interview.
We had a CGI platform than why we used Servlet ? CGI creates process where servlets create threads on each requests. OK then what ? Process needs a special memory block so each new process will occupy a special memory block. so the more requests the more memory gets absorbed. While threads share the same memory space if threads are in process they share same memory area. Servlets are server based java application that can link directly to the Web server where as CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface and can't link directly to the web server. Servlets share data among each other whereas CGI does not provide sharing property. Servlets are good in Performing Session Tracking and caching of previous computations as it is server based application. As CGI don't as they are dependent on process. Okay good So servlets were used due to above reasons Then how did Jsp came to picture? As a limitation of CGI servlet came into picture and as a result of limitatio...