
Showing posts from August, 2018

Querying in elastic search (part -3)

Now moving further with the query part All the query which will be performed will be on the data which we have in part -2 of the post so if not refered do refer it first. For querying , What if you only  remember a word cricket say , I want to find the student who knows cricket to play you have some sort of student records and you only know the database name and a table name. Now we will need a query to find records containing cricket in db. POST /college/student/_search {     "query" :     {         "query_string":         {            "query": "cricket"         }     } } We can have this type of query for the search query for _search in that we again have a query_string, The query_string query parses the input and splits text around operators. Each textual part is analyzed independently of each other. Assume here we only have a word cricket ...

Getting started With Elastic Search(Part - 2)

In the previous post we had seen the installation of Elastic search and Kibana,Hope all have successfully installed and ready. Start elastic search by double click on elasticsearch.bat file and just hit url as                              http://localhost:9200/  Start Kibana by double click on kibana.bat file and hit url as  http://localhost:5601 These are the two things we require to work with ,Opening Kibana you will find Dev Tools option. . By clicking you will find two panes The left pane has your commands, which should be formatted with the HTTP action (GET, POST, PUT) and the URL . In the case of a GET, that will be all you need. In the case of a POST or PUT with a body, you’ll provide the body as JSON on subsequent lines. To run the command, simply click the green arrow next to it. Initially We are new here so we don't have data to work with so let's create some da...

Elastic search installation process(Windows operating System) (part -1)

Here we are going to start with the Elastic search will not talk about what the elastic search is and what it does that you can find easily on Google, Here I will provide a straight forward and an easy guide to install elastic and Kibana. First of all Elastic search is easy to install actually you don't have to install just unzip the file by downloading at . 1)Click here on Zip extract the Zip to the desired Location(of your choice). 2)Where you extracted just go to bin folder and doubleClick on elasticsearch.bat file. 3) After the process gets over just hit the link  http://localhost:9200/ in browser 9200 is the default           port and you will receive a Json response such as      { "name" : "hoHWVaa", "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch", "cluster_uuid" : "Ma-s8G6RTxah-IPoB4twKw", "version" : { "number" : "6.3.2", ...