Getting basics with .Net platform

                              Getting basics with .Net

Started with the basics of .net first of all what is .net whether it is a language ....??

Answer is no it is not a language it is a platform a basic platform in which we can have bunch of languages that it supports such as vb,c#,f#,j#,etc.

So now we can assume that .Net is a platform which supports all types of languages. 

At basic level we need to study some basic terms...

  • As in java we have a java file in which we write a java code same is the case for c# we write a code is the c# file and in Vb we have a Vb file.
  • AS for the Java we have javac as compiler and same is for C# as  csc and for Vb we have vbc so as we compile in cmd as javac as in c# we compile by csc filename.cs and in vb we write vbc filename.vb.
  • It means when you write a C# code save as filenm.cs.
  • Now let us go to the compilation process after compiling in java file we have a byte code that we have studied is the universal code here whatever language we compile whether it is c# ,j#,vb or any the output is the MSIL code.
  • MSIL stands for Microsoft Intermediate Language code 
  • This is the code which is present after any language gets compiled in .NET platform.
  • So we can say its a common type convention any language in spite of being compiled gets converted into MSIL code now its necessary to convert into the native code so for converting into native code we have CLR. 
  • CLR stands for common language runtime which is essential for converting the MSIL code to the native code .

  • .NET is a platform or a Framework.
  • Languages which are supported by .NET frame work converts the code of any language which it supports to MSIL code which is independent.
  • To convert MSIL code into Native code we have CLR that is common language runtime. 


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