Properties of .Net Patform
Some of the properties I would Like to Highlight
1) At compile Time
- At compile time we can decide whether we want an executable file that is a runnable file or we want a DLL file that is dynamic link library . IF we create a DLL file than we are able to add that in any other project that is any other program.
- for eg if we have various mathematical operation and some one tells to make us calculator instantly then if we had created a DLL File than we can add it and just call the method no need to write a code if we have three operations say add, mul, and division than just in three staments we can write the whole program if we have previously created a DLL file .
- DLL Files cannot be Run as Exe file , example we have math.h file we include in C and CPP.
2) Common Class Library (CCL)
- As in C we include many DLL files in Java we also import many Files which are ready made .
- So i mean to say that whatever function the C or CPP does same is the function Carried out by java.
- In c we have math.h header file we include so that we can use the readymade functions such as pow for power sqrt for square root. Same is the case in java we have math Class here in math class we have all static methods so in Java we use math.pow(25,2).
- The only conclusion comes from above two points that why redunduncy comes in picture same is the function we use in C and in Java than the programers might have code two times a header File in C and Class in Java .
- So .Net Frame work provided a concept called Common class library (CCL).
- CCL we have a library which is common to all programming Languages and languages is the last layer in the architecture that we will study later.
3) Common Type System (CTS)
- Common Type System here CTS signifies that same Defination for Data Types we have in C CPP and Java so in Data types also we have Redundancy we have defined integer data types in C same in CPP and same in JAVA .
- SO Common is the data Type we use in the .Net frame work so only one integer Data Type we have defined in c# ,J#,f#,java .
So .Net provided a readymade class as:-
- System.SByte
- System.Int 32
- System.Int 64
- System.Byte
- System.uInt 16
- System.uInt 32
- System.uInt 64
- System.Single ie for Float
- System.Double for Double
- System.Decimal (new data type for those who have practised in C CPP and JAVA)
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