Introduction to programming in ios with swift

Started with aim to write blogs with three languages now covering large area over languages introducing ios programming with swift language as we know for application in mac we have swift language so we will talk about swift language later on.
Firstly to write a program we need an editor in any language So as far as swift language is concerned for programing in ios we have an editor known as XCode , This is  a development tool for applications.
XCode contains Sdk , Emulator  so its a complete package not just as in Android we need to install Gennymotion.
In android we have a java file and an xml file Known as androidmanifest.xml which is configuration file here per screen we have ..
  • Storyboard (for U.I. design)
  • Swift (for business logic)
By opening a project we can see mainly 3 window
  • project explorer
  • editor pane
  • utility window
Same as in android here we have to give a project name for example we give FirstApp.
So that becomes our root folder the sub folders here will be
  • AppDelegate (contains events for whole Application)
  • ViewController.swift (For business Logic)
  •  main. Storyboard (U.i design)
  • images.xcassets (contains images for whole project)
At last we have launcherScreen.xib/.storyboard that was launched beyond xcode 6 as earlier for launcher screen for different model we have to craft or modify the images according our suitability but now we have a facility that it dynamically takes the size of the image to the size of screen.
Here the configuration file is Infoplist(plist--->property list) 
IN next post we will study the swift language till that keep reading and explore your concepts .


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