Components of NLP

Components of NLP
1.Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
2.Natural Language Generation (NLG)

NlU means
1.To map input that we get in natural language into useful representations
2.analyzing different aspect of language.

It is the process of producing meaningful phrases and sentences in the form of natural language from some internal representation.
It involves −

Text planning − It includes retrieving the relevant content from knowledge base.

Sentence planning − It includes choosing required words, forming meaningful phrases, that is do something meaningful to relate the term and form a meaningful sentence .

Text Realization − It is mapping sentence to plan Structure of Sentence.

The NLU is harder than NLG.

For understanding(still in a lower manner )
1st point says that to what ever input we get that is raw for understanding we map with the natural language that can be any say for plus(+)
we have binary representation as (001010) but in other language it can be different. so first to map in the set of different language and observe their useful
2nd is analyzing that.

G means generating so we can say it is a tub filled with languages in which we have to choose the appropriate phase or word from that tub but that could be of any


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