
Showing posts from January, 2016

Properties of .Net Patform

           Some of the properties I would Like to Highlight  1)    At compile Time At compile time we can decide whether we want an executable file that is a runnable file or we want a DLL file that is dynamic link library . IF we create a DLL file than we are able to add that in any other project that is any other program. for eg if we have various mathematical operation and some one tells to make us calculator instantly then if we had created a DLL File than we can add it and just call the method no need to write a code if we have three operations say add, mul, and division than just in three staments we can write the whole program if we have previously created a DLL file . DLL Files cannot be Run as Exe file , example we have math.h file we include in C and CPP. 2) Common Class Library    (CCL) As in C we include many DLL files in Java we also import many Files which are ready made . So i mean to say that wha...

Getting basics with .Net platform

                              Getting basics with .Net Started with the basics of .net first of all what is .net whether it is a language ....?? Answer is no it is not a language it is a platform a basic platform in which we can have bunch of languages that it supports such as vb,c#,f#,j#,etc. So now we can assume that .Net is a platform which supports all types of languages.  At basic level we need to study some basic terms... As in java we have a java file in which we write a java code same is the case for c# we write a code is the c# file and in Vb we have a Vb file. AS for the Java we have javac as compiler and same is for C# as  csc and for Vb we have vbc so as we compile in cmd as javac as in c# we compile by csc filename.cs and in vb we write vbc filename.vb. It means when you write a C# code save as filenm.cs. Now let us go to the compilation proc...